Indian states by GDP per capita Growth

Source Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (17)
Date05 Oct 2024

At constant 2011-12 prices, Assam has attained the highest GSDP per capita growth rate of 12.27%, followed by Telangana (8.71%) among 25 Indian states and union territories data available for 2023-24. Only these two states have a per capita growth rate above 8%.

In the year 2022-23, Mizoram (13.11%) the highest GSDP growth rate followed by Jammu & Kashmir as 7 states had recorded a per capita growth rate above 8%. The bottom five states, in reverse order, are Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Puducherry, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.

During Period 2012-22, Mizoram has the highest average growth rate of 8.96%, followed by Gujarat (6.76%), Tripura (6.63%), Karnataka (6.60%), and Odisha (6.14%). Twelve states/uts became richer by an average of above 5 percent per year between fiscals 2013 and 2022. The bottom five states are Puducherry (1.81%), Meghalaya (1.81%), Goa (2.26%), Bihar (3.44%), and Delhi (3.63%).

At current prices, the top five states during 2012-22 are Mizoram, Telangana, Sikkim, Karnataka, and Tripura. The bottom five states are Goa, Puducherry, Meghalaya, Punjab and Uttarakhand.

  • Constant
  • Current

GSDP per capita Growth

Code Rank State GSDP Growth (At 2011-12 prices) GSDP Growth (At Current prices)
23-2422-23avg(12-23) 23-2422-23avg(12-23)
MZ1Mizoram - 13.11 8.96 - 13.85 13.22
GJ2Gujarat - 6.06 6.76 - 13.32 10.84
TR3Tripura 7.68 7.21 6.63 13.19 15.06 11.83
KA4Karnataka 5.94 7.39 6.60 9.48 14.04 11.90
OR5Odisha 7.76 5.39 6.14 11.67 8.29 10.76
TG6Telangana 8.71 7.86 6.11 13.95 16.14 11.96
AP7Andhra Pradesh 6.98 4.16 5.92 10.06 11.73 11.18
SK8Sikkim 7.57 7.09 5.76 13.67 12.36 11.94
AN9Andaman & Nicobar Islands - 7.37 5.73 - 12.01 9.90
TN10Tamil Nadu 7.91 7.80 5.64 13.38 15.14 10.58
AS11Assam 12.27 7.87 5.19 17.99 15.47 10.49
HR12Haryana 6.46 6.37 5.04 9.77 11.67 10.06
HP13Himachal Pradesh 6.54 6.35 4.99 7.65 10.80 8.57
MP14Madhya Pradesh 4.76 5.30 4.92 8.08 12.68 11.76
CT15Chhattisgarh 5.36 6.43 4.69 7.70 11.83 8.91
MN16Manipur - 10.35 4.36 - 13.82 10.15
MH17Maharashtra 6.75 8.59 4.33 10.07 15.06 9.06
CH18Chandigarh - 9.67 4.30 - 18.34 9.12
UP19Uttar Pradesh 6.40 7.89 4.28 10.42 14.10 9.64
JK20Jammu & Kashmir 6.49 11.03 4.11 8.72 15.95 9.27
KL21Kerala 5.47 3.82 4.09 10.86 10.28 9.38
RJ22Rajasthan 6.88 6.65 4.05 11.36 12.40 9.42
AR23Arunachal Pradesh - 0.09 4.04 - 6.31 10.12
UT24Uttarakhand 6.49 6.53 3.99 12.81 12.55 8.10
JH25Jharkhand 6.18 6.47 3.89 9.08 9.56 8.45
PB26Punjab 5.24 4.96 3.86 7.93 7.13 7.56
WB27West Bengal 7.14 6.13 3.85 10.51 14.68 9.70
NL28Nagaland - 9.19 3.68 - 14.11 9.63
DL29Delhi 5.44 5.85 3.63 7.18 12.99 8.32
BR30Bihar 7.61 8.24 3.44 12.80 13.61 8.86
GA31Goa - 1.86 2.26 - 9.17 6.87
ML32Meghalaya 4.86 6.70 1.81 12.97 14.67 7.10
PY33Puducherry 1.48 2.41 1.81 4.78 6.80 6.94
India 7.21 5.88 4.58 8.64 13.02 9.64

NSDP per capita Growth

Code Rank State GSDP Growth (At 2011-12 prices) GSDP Growth (At Current prices)
23-2422-23avg(12-23) 23-2422-23avg(12-22)
MZ1Mizoram - 13.00 8.78 - 12.66 13.22
GJ2Gujarat - 6.71 6.96 - 12.78 11.00
TR3Tripura 7.34 7.12 6.41 12.94 14.84 11.74
KA4Karnataka 5.77 7.43 6.34 9.34 14.09 11.80
AN5Andaman & Nicobar Islands - 7.33 6.33 - 12.45 10.32
OR6Odisha 9.05 5.41 5.97 13.45 7.22 10.70
TG7Telangana 8.56 8.24 5.94 14.09 16.18 11.99
AP8Andhra Pradesh 7.20 4.05 5.75 10.28 11.49 11.18
TN9Tamil Nadu 7.89 7.99 5.47 13.47 14.63 10.51
SK10Sikkim 7.03 7.11 5.15 12.93 11.56 11.54
HP11Himachal Pradesh 6.66 6.22 5.14 7.50 11.74 8.82
AS12Assam 16.90 8.10 4.84 13.81 15.42 10.31
HR13Haryana 6.62 6.55 4.77 9.83 12.04 9.95
MP14Madhya Pradesh 4.83 5.34 4.74 8.00 13.13 11.97
CT15Chhattisgarh 4.85 6.05 4.42 7.31 11.71 8.80
KL16Kerala 5.94 3.73 4.28 11.22 9.72 9.20
MH17Maharashtra 6.61 9.20 4.20 9.99 14.95 9.00
MN18Manipur - 10.29 4.17 - 13.18 10.21
CH19Chandigarh - 9.89 4.15 - 18.45 9.04
UT20Uttarakhand 6.53 6.57 3.93 12.64 12.54 8.10
JH21Jharkhand 6.77 6.59 3.84 9.15 8.98 8.47
UP22Uttar Pradesh 6.42 8.22 3.84 11.16 13.60 9.37
RJ23Rajasthan 6.94 6.83 3.71 11.49 12.38 9.28
WB24West Bengal 7.11 5.62 3.51 10.53 14.39 9.62
JK25Jammu & Kashmir 6.91 11.99 3.50 8.92 15.58 8.93
NL26Nagaland - 9.97 3.47 - 14.39 9.75
PB27Punjab 4.95 4.71 3.45 8.16 6.70 7.16
AR28Arunachal Pradesh - -1.67 3.29 - 4.79 9.71
DL29Delhi 5.69 6.11 3.26 7.39 14.33 8.17
BR30Bihar 7.57 8.08 3.05 12.82 13.07 8.64
GA31Goa - 0.19 1.85 - 7.31 6.61
PY32Puducherry 2.13 2.41 1.63 6.93 5.88 6.90
ML33Meghalaya 6.42 7.17 1.56 10.53 14.75 7.02
India 7.38 5.69 4.27 8.68 12.32 9.47