Source | UN (World Population Prospects 2019) |
Date | 30 Oct 2021 |
As of 2021, the population of French Guiana is projected at 0.31 million, up by 2.60% compared with 0.30 million in 2020. French Guiana is ranked 182nd in terms of population and 23rd in terms of population growth rate.
There are 7.44 thousand births in French Guiana in 2021. That is 20 per day, which is ranked 173rd. The crude birth rate is 24.3 per 1000 people. There are 925 thousand deaths in French Guiana in 2021. That is 3 per day, which is ranked 194th. The crude death rate is 3.02 per 1000 people.
0.27 million people are living in urban areas, which is 86.06% of French Guiana population. French Guiana is ranked 51st in terms of urbanization.
The Sex Ratio in French Guiana in 2021 is 97.98 males per 100 females. There are 0.152 million males and 0.155 million females in French Guiana. The percentage of female population is 50.51% compare to 49.49% male population. French Guiana has 3.13 thousand more females than males. French Guiana is at 85th position out of 201 countries/territories in terms of female to male ratio.
Year | Population | Growth (%) |
1950 | 25,484 | - |
1955 | 28,493 | 1.83 |
1960 | 32,032 | 3.02 |
1965 | 38,893 | 4.32 |
1970 | 47,932 | 3.86 |
1975 | 56,224 | 3.12 |
1980 | 66,973 | 4.20 |
1985 | 86,435 | 5.97 |
1990 | 115,784 | 5.01 |
1995 | 137,400 | 3.16 |
2000 | 163,163 | 4.05 |
2005 | 202,973 | 3.93 |
2010 | 232,996 | 2.40 |
2015 | 261,008 | 2.44 |
2016 | 267,824 | 2.61 |
2017 | 275,189 | 2.75 |
2018 | 282,936 | 2.82 |
2019 | 290,823 | 2.79 |
2020 | 298,682 | 2.70 |
2021 | 306,450 | 2.60 |
Year | Total | Crude(per 1000) | ||
Death | Birth | Crude death | Crude birth | |
1950 | 425 | 996 | 16.29 | 38.15 |
1955 | 428 | 975 | 15.05 | 34.41 |
1960 | 440 | 1,038 | 13.48 | 31.95 |
1965 | 423 | 1,259 | 10.86 | 32.03 |
1970 | 413 | 1,512 | 8.63 | 31.76 |
1975 | 444 | 1,551 | 7.84 | 27.71 |
1980 | 467 | 1,840 | 6.86 | 26.92 |
1985 | 502 | 2,606 | 5.69 | 29.62 |
1990 | 552 | 3,556 | 4.84 | 31.16 |
1995 | 590 | 4,241 | 4.26 | 30.81 |
2000 | 616 | 4,747 | 3.72 | 28.64 |
2005 | 661 | 5,633 | 3.29 | 28.00 |
2010 | 702 | 6,339 | 3.02 | 27.26 |
2015 | 757 | 6,847 | 2.88 | 26.03 |
2020 | 891 | 7,359 | 2.99 | 24.67 |
2021 | 925 | 7,438 | 3.02 | 24.30 |
Year | Population | Urbanization | ||
Urban | Rural | growth rate (%) | Urban (%) | |
1950 | 13,667 | 11,805 | - | 53.656 |
1955 | 16,687 | 11,803 | 3.51 | 58.573 |
1960 | 20,285 | 11,747 | 4.56 | 63.327 |
1965 | 25,569 | 13,323 | 4.83 | 65.745 |
1970 | 32,321 | 15,609 | 4.38 | 67.433 |
1975 | 38,862 | 17,361 | 3.62 | 69.121 |
1980 | 47,392 | 19,585 | 4.67 | 70.759 |
1985 | 62,799 | 23,640 | 6.57 | 72.651 |
1990 | 86,423 | 29,361 | 5.59 | 74.641 |
1995 | 105,731 | 31,669 | 3.77 | 76.952 |
2000 | 129,081 | 34,084 | 4.66 | 79.111 |
2005 | 165,336 | 38,490 | 4.45 | 81.116 |
2010 | 194,192 | 39,989 | 3.07 | 82.924 |
2015 | 226,996 | 41,695 | 3.06 | 84.482 |
2020 | 260,877 | 43,105 | 2.70 | 85.820 |
2021 | 267,830 | 43,371 | 2.67 | 86.063 |
Age group | Male | Female | Total | M per 100 F | |
Persons | Share (%) | ||||
00-04 | 18,785 | 18,040 | 36,825 | 12.02 | 104.130 |
05-09 | 16,078 | 15,120 | 31,198 | 10.18 | 106.336 |
10-14 | 14,772 | 14,329 | 29,101 | 9.50 | 103.092 |
15-19 | 14,419 | 14,554 | 28,973 | 9.45 | 99.072 |
20-24 | 13,176 | 13,189 | 26,365 | 8.60 | 99.901 |
25-29 | 10,579 | 11,191 | 21,770 | 7.10 | 94.531 |
30-34 | 8,715 | 10,066 | 18,781 | 6.13 | 86.579 |
35-39 | 9,343 | 10,620 | 19,963 | 6.51 | 87.976 |
40-44 | 9,714 | 10,091 | 19,805 | 6.46 | 96.264 |
45-49 | 8,867 | 9,083 | 17,950 | 5.86 | 97.622 |
50-54 | 7,603 | 7,862 | 15,465 | 5.05 | 96.706 |
55-59 | 6,123 | 6,157 | 12,280 | 4.01 | 99.448 |
60-64 | 4,936 | 5,225 | 10,161 | 3.32 | 94.469 |
65-69 | 3,918 | 3,900 | 7,818 | 2.55 | 100.462 |
70-74 | 2,424 | 2,330 | 4,754 | 1.55 | 104.034 |
75-79 | 1,382 | 1,618 | 3,000 | 0.98 | 85.414 |
80-84 | 604 | 764 | 1,368 | 0.45 | 79.058 |
85-89 | 158 | 376 | 534 | 0.17 | 42.021 |
90-94 | 50 | 196 | 246 | 0.08 | 25.510 |
95-99 | 15 | 65 | 80 | 0.03 | 23.077 |
100+ | 1 | 12 | 13 | 0.00 | 8.333 |
Total | 151,662 | 154,788 | 306,450 | 97.980 |