Source | UN (World Population Prospects 2024) |
World Bank | |
Date | 08 Aug 2024 |
The human sex ratio is the number of males for every 100 females in a population. A sex ratio above 100 means there is more males than females. A sex ratio below 100 means there is more females than males. A sex ratio of 100 means there are equal numbers of females and males.
Qatar has the highest sex ratio, with 248 males per 100 woman, followed by the United Arab Emirates, having 177 men per 100 women and Oman (165). The top three and Bahrain, Maldives, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have male to female ratio above 150. Top seven countries having the highest males/females, belong to Asia.
As of 2024, Hong Kong has the lowest gender ratio of 81.98, followed by Guadeloupe (82.50). Martinique, the Republic of Moldova, and Macao are in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th positions, respectively. In the list of top 10 countries having the highest female to male ratio, four countries are located in Europe, three each in North America and Asia.
Out of 237 countries/regions estimated by United Nations, 159 have more females than males. Eighteen countries have a male ratio of less than 90, and 59 has less than 95.
The sex ratio at birth in every country is male-biased, ranging from around 101 to 116 boys per 100 girls. Five nations have a sex ratio above or equal to 1.10 at birth, as Liechtenstein has the highest male ratio with 116 male births per 100 female births.
For the group aged below 15, Montserrat has the highest female ratio, with almost 89 males per 100 females. Due to the higher life expectancy of women, men to women ratio is very low for age over 65 years. Men outnumber women in only 13 countries/territories above 65.
Code | Country/Territory | Sex ratio (2024) | At birth (2024) | M per 100 F by Age group (2024) | Continent | |||
M per 100 F | Rank | M per 100 F | 0-14 | 15-65 | 65++ | |||
BDI | Burundi | 98.718 | 127 | 102.5 | 101.170 | 97.822 | 77.318 | Africa |
COM | Comoros | 101.161 | 177 | 103.2 | 102.818 | 101.499 | 84.592 | Africa |
DJI | Djibouti | 98.287 | 117 | 103.7 | 102.372 | 97.925 | 80.840 | Africa |
ERI | Eritrea | 97.492 | 94 | 103.2 | 102.007 | 96.563 | 73.555 | Africa |
ETH | Ethiopia | 100.417 | 165 | 105.5 | 103.918 | 99.352 | 80.211 | Africa |
KEN | Kenya | 98.870 | 137 | 102.1 | 101.388 | 98.593 | 76.459 | Africa |
MDG | Madagascar | 100.628 | 169 | 103.8 | 102.669 | 100.124 | 86.855 | Africa |
MWI | Malawi | 95.300 | 63 | 101.4 | 100.018 | 93.350 | 69.801 | Africa |
MUS | Mauritius | 99.664 | 154 | 103.5 | 97.673 | 103.603 | 82.926 | Africa |
MYT | Mayotte | 91.562 | 32 | 102.7 | 99.539 | 85.152 | 102.861 | Africa |
MOZ | Mozambique | 94.237 | 50 | 102.0 | 100.853 | 91.950 | 48.972 | Africa |
REU | Réunion | 90.487 | 21 | 102.9 | 102.310 | 89.493 | 80.220 | Africa |
RWA | Rwanda | 95.247 | 61 | 102.6 | 101.101 | 93.751 | 68.092 | Africa |
SYC | Seychelles | 123.035 | 230 | 103.6 | 104.552 | 134.306 | 87.152 | Africa |
SOM | Somalia | 100.384 | 163 | 104.4 | 102.958 | 99.162 | 80.908 | Africa |
SSD | South Sudan | 96.792 | 81 | 103.5 | 102.260 | 94.750 | 71.406 | Africa |
UGA | Uganda | 98.394 | 119 | 102.9 | 101.619 | 97.326 | 67.567 | Africa |
TZA | United Republic of Tanzania | 98.283 | 116 | 103.1 | 102.014 | 97.557 | 66.292 | Africa |
ZMB | Zambia | 98.008 | 112 | 101.1 | 99.955 | 97.850 | 67.203 | Africa |
ZWE | Zimbabwe | 91.084 | 29 | 102.5 | 101.355 | 85.880 | 66.546 | Africa |
AGO | Angola | 97.957 | 111 | 102.8 | 101.100 | 96.604 | 77.455 | Africa |
CMR | Cameroon | 99.349 | 146 | 103.0 | 101.552 | 98.750 | 80.920 | Africa |
CAF | Central African Republic | 92.254 | 36 | 103.2 | 101.720 | 84.479 | 72.902 | Africa |
TCD | Chad | 100.629 | 170 | 104.2 | 102.739 | 99.538 | 83.491 | Africa |
COG | Congo | 99.976 | 158 | 102.6 | 101.807 | 99.620 | 83.593 | Africa |
COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 98.470 | 121 | 102.3 | 100.469 | 97.694 | 83.035 | Africa |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | 111.509 | 224 | 103.2 | 101.760 | 119.796 | 89.709 | Africa |
GAB | Gabon | 103.083 | 199 | 102.1 | 101.155 | 105.586 | 86.033 | Africa |
STP | Sao Tome and Principe | 98.835 | 135 | 102.7 | 101.334 | 98.635 | 79.881 | Africa |
DZA | Algeria | 104.074 | 209 | 104.6 | 104.211 | 105.206 | 93.249 | Africa |
EGY | Egypt | 101.979 | 193 | 105.5 | 104.900 | 102.978 | 75.691 | Africa |
LBY | Libya | 103.443 | 203 | 105.7 | 105.488 | 104.140 | 84.895 | Africa |
MAR | Morocco | 101.710 | 186 | 104.7 | 105.079 | 102.020 | 89.538 | Africa |
SDN | Sudan | 98.335 | 118 | 104.1 | 102.704 | 94.902 | 105.700 | Africa |
TUN | Tunisia | 97.741 | 103 | 105.0 | 105.937 | 97.216 | 82.781 | Africa |
ESH | Western Sahara | 122.761 | 229 | 105.1 | 104.124 | 132.253 | 99.611 | Africa |
BWA | Botswana | 99.367 | 147 | 103.2 | 101.481 | 99.734 | 79.193 | Africa |
SWZ | Eswatini | 96.453 | 77 | 102.9 | 101.143 | 96.473 | 65.923 | Africa |
LSO | Lesotho | 95.024 | 60 | 102.8 | 101.168 | 94.900 | 54.390 | Africa |
NAM | Namibia | 95.451 | 65 | 101.1 | 99.202 | 95.925 | 59.082 | Africa |
ZAF | South Africa | 94.822 | 56 | 104.0 | 100.961 | 96.326 | 62.976 | Africa |
BEN | Benin | 100.588 | 168 | 104.2 | 102.759 | 100.143 | 81.818 | Africa |
BFA | Burkina Faso | 99.250 | 145 | 104.2 | 103.115 | 98.146 | 68.407 | Africa |
CPV | Cabo Verde | 103.496 | 204 | 103.3 | 105.544 | 107.695 | 64.588 | Africa |
CIV | Côte d'Ivoire | 103.564 | 205 | 103.0 | 102.189 | 104.816 | 98.441 | Africa |
GMB | Gambia | 99.183 | 143 | 103.2 | 102.066 | 98.323 | 79.973 | Africa |
GHA | Ghana | 99.774 | 156 | 103.8 | 102.506 | 99.444 | 81.062 | Africa |
GIN | Guinea | 97.957 | 110 | 104.5 | 102.931 | 96.196 | 72.803 | Africa |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | 97.725 | 101 | 104.0 | 102.556 | 96.903 | 62.880 | Africa |
LBR | Liberia | 99.679 | 155 | 103.8 | 102.534 | 98.648 | 85.081 | Africa |
MLI | Mali | 101.838 | 188 | 103.3 | 102.222 | 102.373 | 84.541 | Africa |
MRT | Mauritania | 96.281 | 74 | 103.3 | 102.539 | 92.355 | 83.954 | Africa |
NER | Niger | 103.143 | 200 | 104.0 | 103.345 | 103.827 | 87.482 | Africa |
NGA | Nigeria | 102.320 | 194 | 103.8 | 102.923 | 102.572 | 90.360 | Africa |
SHN | Saint Helena | 99.182 | 142 | 105.4 | 107.091 | 95.629 | 103.386 | Africa |
SEN | Senegal | 103.389 | 202 | 103.1 | 107.698 | 101.202 | 94.803 | Africa |
SLE | Sierra Leone | 99.490 | 150 | 103.4 | 101.492 | 99.428 | 79.551 | Africa |
TGO | Togo | 101.337 | 178 | 102.8 | 101.931 | 101.666 | 88.994 | Africa |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | 94.956 | 59 | 106.4 | 104.413 | 97.176 | 57.519 | Asia |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | 97.762 | 105 | 105.6 | 105.540 | 96.850 | 69.768 | Asia |
TJK | Tajikistan | 96.604 | 78 | 106.3 | 102.294 | 94.508 | 79.178 | Asia |
TKM | Turkmenistan | 96.377 | 75 | 106.7 | 104.459 | 96.344 | 54.319 | Asia |
UZB | Uzbekistan | 101.807 | 187 | 107.8 | 107.540 | 102.437 | 71.024 | Asia |
CHN | China | 103.838 | 208 | 110.3 | 114.311 | 106.776 | 81.916 | Asia |
HKG | China, Hong Kong SAR | 81.977 | 1 | 107.7 | 103.831 | 76.917 | 88.505 | Asia |
MAC | China, Macao SAR | 85.361 | 5 | 107.9 | 105.483 | 80.697 | 91.977 | Asia |
TWN | China, Taiwan Province of China | 98.028 | 114 | 106.7 | 107.576 | 100.908 | 83.409 | Asia |
PRK | Dem. People's Republic of Korea | 97.899 | 108 | 106.0 | 105.426 | 101.111 | 72.922 | Asia |
JPN | Japan | 95.251 | 62 | 105.1 | 105.460 | 102.952 | 78.478 | Asia |
MNG | Mongolia | 99.431 | 149 | 104.4 | 105.824 | 99.817 | 63.710 | Asia |
KOR | Republic of Korea | 99.655 | 152 | 105.9 | 105.399 | 105.696 | 77.909 | Asia |
AFG | Afghanistan | 101.978 | 192 | 105.1 | 104.604 | 101.396 | 73.596 | Asia |
BGD | Bangladesh | 96.741 | 79 | 104.9 | 106.726 | 92.851 | 95.820 | Asia |
BTN | Bhutan | 114.810 | 227 | 104.8 | 107.612 | 118.620 | 98.308 | Asia |
IND | India | 106.506 | 218 | 107.1 | 108.766 | 107.495 | 90.712 | Asia |
IRN | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 103.323 | 201 | 105.2 | 105.707 | 103.672 | 94.382 | Asia |
MDV | Maldives | 162.595 | 233 | 105.1 | 113.348 | 183.915 | 109.818 | Asia |
NPL | Nepal | 91.907 | 34 | 104.9 | 106.167 | 86.982 | 84.727 | Asia |
PAK | Pakistan | 102.905 | 198 | 105.5 | 104.561 | 103.211 | 86.133 | Asia |
LKA | Sri Lanka | 93.724 | 42 | 104.4 | 103.909 | 95.271 | 70.830 | Asia |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam | 113.215 | 226 | 107.6 | 108.002 | 117.566 | 87.925 | Asia |
KHM | Cambodia | 96.078 | 72 | 105.3 | 104.321 | 96.118 | 63.788 | Asia |
IDN | Indonesia | 100.941 | 173 | 106.0 | 105.429 | 102.378 | 76.249 | Asia |
LAO | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 100.989 | 176 | 105.3 | 104.044 | 100.877 | 84.553 | Asia |
MYS | Malaysia | 109.905 | 222 | 106.5 | 106.656 | 113.060 | 92.471 | Asia |
MMR | Myanmar | 99.114 | 140 | 106.6 | 105.476 | 99.925 | 74.513 | Asia |
PHL | Philippines | 99.526 | 151 | 107.7 | 104.217 | 100.334 | 71.187 | Asia |
SGP | Singapore | 106.899 | 219 | 106.0 | 104.824 | 111.715 | 85.442 | Asia |
THA | Thailand | 94.895 | 58 | 106.4 | 106.097 | 97.080 | 76.757 | Asia |
TLS | Timor-Leste | 101.673 | 185 | 107.1 | 103.611 | 102.085 | 85.992 | Asia |
VNM | Viet Nam | 95.993 | 71 | 110.6 | 106.694 | 97.623 | 64.054 | Asia |
ARM | Armenia | 86.674 | 8 | 108.3 | 107.914 | 88.201 | 57.781 | Asia |
AZE | Azerbaijan | 96.149 | 73 | 111.3 | 111.113 | 95.422 | 70.505 | Asia |
BHR | Bahrain | 163.442 | 234 | 103.8 | 103.904 | 187.244 | 111.297 | Asia |
CYP | Cyprus | 101.516 | 183 | 106.5 | 106.192 | 104.106 | 85.709 | Asia |
GEO | Georgia | 87.314 | 12 | 106.6 | 106.535 | 91.570 | 54.283 | Asia |
IRQ | Iraq | 100.786 | 171 | 105.7 | 105.144 | 100.337 | 68.970 | Asia |
ISR | Israel | 99.168 | 141 | 105.5 | 105.383 | 100.623 | 80.936 | Asia |
JOR | Jordan | 106.467 | 217 | 104.9 | 103.996 | 108.567 | 94.392 | Asia |
KWT | Kuwait | 157.156 | 232 | 104.7 | 104.579 | 175.737 | 114.384 | Asia |
LBN | Lebanon | 94.679 | 53 | 105.3 | 105.292 | 93.412 | 78.212 | Asia |
OMN | Oman | 164.645 | 235 | 104.4 | 103.868 | 198.993 | 93.239 | Asia |
QAT | Qatar | 248.197 | 237 | 104.1 | 104.870 | 302.187 | 152.776 | Asia |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | 153.392 | 231 | 105.1 | 104.068 | 176.669 | 122.852 | Asia |
PSE | State of Palestine | 98.588 | 125 | 105.1 | 103.931 | 96.490 | 80.843 | Asia |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | 100.078 | 161 | 105.3 | 104.828 | 99.689 | 79.362 | Asia |
TUR | Türkiye | 99.656 | 153 | 105.0 | 103.884 | 101.908 | 78.695 | Asia |
ARE | United Arab Emirates | 177.019 | 236 | 104.5 | 101.992 | 200.352 | 126.360 | Asia |
YEM | Yemen | 102.661 | 197 | 105.9 | 105.008 | 102.263 | 77.358 | Asia |
BLR | Belarus | 87.266 | 11 | 105.9 | 106.009 | 95.236 | 51.446 | Europe |
BGR | Bulgaria | 93.762 | 43 | 106.0 | 105.693 | 102.965 | 65.779 | Europe |
CZE | Czechia | 97.285 | 88 | 105.4 | 104.976 | 104.655 | 73.382 | Europe |
HUN | Hungary | 92.374 | 37 | 105.9 | 105.694 | 101.487 | 62.531 | Europe |
POL | Poland | 93.983 | 46 | 106.1 | 105.574 | 101.121 | 67.797 | Europe |
MDA | Republic of Moldova | 85.225 | 4 | 106.2 | 105.181 | 89.174 | 54.208 | Europe |
ROU | Romania | 93.925 | 44 | 105.6 | 104.756 | 101.932 | 65.859 | Europe |
RUS | Russian Federation | 86.587 | 7 | 105.7 | 105.582 | 93.706 | 51.307 | Europe |
SVK | Slovakia | 95.389 | 64 | 105.5 | 105.095 | 102.360 | 68.102 | Europe |
UKR | Ukraine | 86.852 | 9 | 106.2 | 106.020 | 95.841 | 51.827 | Europe |
DNK | Denmark | 98.828 | 134 | 105.6 | 105.448 | 101.911 | 85.708 | Europe |
EST | Estonia | 90.646 | 22 | 106.1 | 105.770 | 102.542 | 55.262 | Europe |
FRO | Faroe Islands | 106.908 | 220 | 106.7 | 104.909 | 111.412 | 94.488 | Europe |
FIN | Finland | 97.733 | 102 | 105.2 | 104.681 | 104.146 | 79.497 | Europe |
GGY | Guernsey | 97.709 | 100 | 105.4 | 105.760 | 100.288 | 85.942 | Europe |
ISL | Iceland | 104.939 | 213 | 105.9 | 105.803 | 107.442 | 94.047 | Europe |
IRL | Ireland | 98.027 | 113 | 105.6 | 104.765 | 98.554 | 88.713 | Europe |
IMN | Isle of Man | 98.050 | 115 | 105.0 | 103.875 | 100.222 | 89.180 | Europe |
JEY | Jersey | 97.436 | 92 | 105.4 | 104.236 | 100.574 | 82.791 | Europe |
LVA | Latvia | 86.429 | 6 | 106.3 | 107.051 | 97.278 | 51.612 | Europe |
LTU | Lithuania | 89.393 | 15 | 105.2 | 105.280 | 100.839 | 52.676 | Europe |
NOR | Norway | 101.596 | 184 | 106.1 | 105.486 | 104.466 | 89.311 | Europe |
SWE | Sweden | 101.475 | 182 | 105.6 | 105.896 | 105.081 | 88.234 | Europe |
GBR | United Kingdom | 97.010 | 86 | 105.5 | 105.246 | 99.241 | 83.828 | Europe |
ALB | Albania | 97.753 | 104 | 106.8 | 108.674 | 97.769 | 87.907 | Europe |
AND | Andorra | 104.568 | 210 | 106.3 | 104.956 | 106.594 | 95.606 | Europe |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 90.795 | 24 | 106.7 | 107.187 | 99.867 | 61.886 | Europe |
HRV | Croatia | 93.194 | 41 | 106.0 | 106.125 | 100.805 | 69.399 | Europe |
GIB | Gibraltar | 99.094 | 139 | 106.5 | 106.348 | 100.840 | 86.563 | Europe |
GRC | Greece | 93.944 | 45 | 106.4 | 105.926 | 99.047 | 76.405 | Europe |
VAT | Holy See | 91.313 | 30 | 105.0 | 103.333 | 105.785 | 75.610 | Europe |
ITA | Italy | 95.599 | 66 | 105.9 | 105.798 | 101.029 | 78.862 | Europe |
XXK | Kosovo (under UNSC res. 1244) | 96.796 | 82 | 106.9 | 108.996 | 96.649 | 76.516 | Europe |
MLT | Malta | 107.895 | 221 | 106.8 | 107.411 | 115.784 | 85.747 | Europe |
MNE | Montenegro | 92.790 | 39 | 106.7 | 107.624 | 96.756 | 68.371 | Europe |
MKD | North Macedonia | 94.733 | 54 | 107.6 | 104.987 | 98.279 | 75.224 | Europe |
PRT | Portugal | 90.962 | 28 | 105.7 | 104.852 | 95.316 | 74.820 | Europe |
SMR | San Marino | 96.743 | 80 | 106.5 | 103.209 | 99.296 | 86.529 | Europe |
SRB | Serbia | 90.267 | 19 | 106.9 | 102.029 | 95.720 | 70.782 | Europe |
SVN | Slovenia | 100.989 | 175 | 106.3 | 105.576 | 108.948 | 78.467 | Europe |
ESP | Spain | 96.446 | 76 | 106.5 | 105.991 | 101.443 | 77.673 | Europe |
AUT | Austria | 96.985 | 85 | 105.5 | 105.839 | 101.703 | 78.482 | Europe |
BEL | Belgium | 97.280 | 87 | 104.9 | 104.585 | 101.338 | 80.993 | Europe |
FRA | France | 94.093 | 47 | 105.0 | 104.785 | 98.406 | 76.590 | Europe |
DEU | Germany | 97.556 | 96 | 105.6 | 105.516 | 103.250 | 79.729 | Europe |
LIE | Liechtenstein | 98.749 | 131 | 116.3 | 111.355 | 99.961 | 87.487 | Europe |
LUX | Luxembourg | 101.342 | 179 | 105.3 | 104.521 | 104.650 | 85.118 | Europe |
MCO | Monaco | 95.788 | 68 | 104.9 | 102.825 | 97.985 | 90.386 | Europe |
NLD | Netherlands | 98.727 | 130 | 105.3 | 104.936 | 101.243 | 87.207 | Europe |
CHE | Switzerland | 98.719 | 128 | 105.1 | 105.435 | 102.503 | 83.129 | Europe |
AIA | Anguilla | 94.517 | 52 | 103.6 | 103.279 | 95.842 | 77.664 | North America |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | 90.831 | 26 | 103.2 | 102.992 | 92.059 | 69.071 | North America |
ABW | Aruba | 89.534 | 16 | 104.3 | 103.972 | 90.788 | 73.030 | North America |
BHS | Bahamas | 91.373 | 31 | 102.8 | 102.390 | 92.136 | 72.954 | North America |
BRB | Barbados | 92.097 | 35 | 103.5 | 103.370 | 94.461 | 73.624 | North America |
BES | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | 106.069 | 216 | 105.0 | 104.499 | 107.795 | 99.706 | North America |
VGB | British Virgin Islands | 89.952 | 18 | 105.3 | 103.053 | 88.653 | 82.139 | North America |
CYM | Cayman Islands | 100.791 | 172 | 103.6 | 102.096 | 102.512 | 85.530 | North America |
CUB | Cuba | 97.375 | 90 | 107.0 | 106.760 | 100.053 | 79.933 | North America |
CUW | Curaçao | 90.820 | 25 | 104.7 | 104.125 | 97.330 | 60.052 | North America |
DMA | Dominica | 99.994 | 159 | 103.5 | 100.729 | 101.645 | 90.696 | North America |
DOM | Dominican Republic | 98.866 | 136 | 104.4 | 103.934 | 99.808 | 77.077 | North America |
GRD | Grenada | 100.519 | 166 | 103.9 | 103.997 | 103.075 | 82.734 | North America |
GLP | Guadeloupe | 82.499 | 2 | 103.3 | 102.312 | 81.141 | 74.145 | North America |
HTI | Haiti | 97.951 | 109 | 103.1 | 101.622 | 98.136 | 74.649 | North America |
JAM | Jamaica | 97.823 | 107 | 103.9 | 103.619 | 99.085 | 76.425 | North America |
MTQ | Martinique | 83.066 | 3 | 102.6 | 100.515 | 81.750 | 77.019 | North America |
MSR | Montserrat | 99.183 | 144 | 104.3 | 89.182 | 99.435 | 107.570 | North America |
PRI | Puerto Rico | 88.978 | 14 | 105.2 | 105.526 | 92.260 | 74.684 | North America |
BLM | Saint Barthélemy | 88.253 | 13 | 104.0 | 101.594 | 87.883 | 76.855 | North America |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 91.822 | 33 | 103.7 | 99.660 | 91.920 | 79.809 | North America |
LCA | Saint Lucia | 97.519 | 95 | 103.1 | 102.815 | 99.588 | 75.398 | North America |
MAF | Saint Martin (French part) | 86.923 | 10 | 104.0 | 101.664 | 85.612 | 76.075 | North America |
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 103.761 | 207 | 103.3 | 103.163 | 106.116 | 92.417 | North America |
SXM | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | 94.790 | 55 | 103.9 | 116.623 | 90.130 | 97.807 | North America |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | 97.763 | 106 | 104.0 | 103.665 | 100.637 | 76.194 | North America |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands | 100.200 | 162 | 104.9 | 96.622 | 104.178 | 82.027 | North America |
VIR | United States Virgin Islands | 90.851 | 27 | 103.9 | 108.446 | 93.809 | 73.145 | North America |
BLZ | Belize | 101.845 | 189 | 105.1 | 104.838 | 101.432 | 92.353 | North America |
CRI | Costa Rica | 97.671 | 99 | 104.6 | 104.357 | 98.892 | 82.191 | North America |
SLV | El Salvador | 90.481 | 20 | 104.8 | 105.579 | 89.084 | 63.821 | North America |
GTM | Guatemala | 98.405 | 120 | 103.9 | 103.045 | 97.558 | 81.585 | North America |
HND | Honduras | 101.381 | 180 | 105.1 | 104.825 | 101.409 | 80.028 | North America |
MEX | Mexico | 94.152 | 48 | 103.9 | 103.572 | 92.667 | 80.659 | North America |
NIC | Nicaragua | 96.807 | 83 | 103.5 | 103.059 | 96.661 | 70.952 | North America |
PAN | Panama | 100.019 | 160 | 105.3 | 105.235 | 100.847 | 82.398 | North America |
ARG | Argentina | 98.546 | 124 | 105.1 | 105.432 | 101.849 | 73.355 | South America |
BOL | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 100.405 | 164 | 104.2 | 103.527 | 100.925 | 80.453 | South America |
BRA | Brazil | 96.835 | 84 | 104.5 | 104.129 | 98.088 | 78.413 | South America |
CHL | Chile | 98.814 | 133 | 104.3 | 103.856 | 100.881 | 84.117 | South America |
COL | Colombia | 97.403 | 91 | 104.6 | 104.211 | 98.238 | 79.582 | South America |
ECU | Ecuador | 99.415 | 148 | 104.6 | 104.289 | 100.126 | 81.523 | South America |
FLK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 97.468 | 93 | 103.0 | 99.647 | 101.752 | 73.737 | South America |
GUF | French Guiana | 92.762 | 38 | 103.6 | 99.955 | 89.933 | 87.504 | South America |
GUY | Guyana | 94.861 | 57 | 103.7 | 103.018 | 93.861 | 73.227 | South America |
PRY | Paraguay | 100.552 | 167 | 105.0 | 104.623 | 101.143 | 79.687 | South America |
PER | Peru | 98.938 | 138 | 104.1 | 103.661 | 99.195 | 85.996 | South America |
SUR | Suriname | 99.818 | 157 | 104.0 | 103.554 | 102.647 | 69.762 | South America |
URY | Uruguay | 94.182 | 49 | 105.5 | 105.209 | 100.050 | 64.379 | South America |
VEN | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 97.649 | 98 | 105.2 | 105.451 | 98.482 | 75.185 | South America |
BMU | Bermuda | 95.767 | 67 | 104.0 | 104.559 | 102.109 | 74.764 | North America |
CAN | Canada | 98.638 | 126 | 105.5 | 104.817 | 101.404 | 85.961 | North America |
GRL | Greenland | 110.874 | 223 | 105.0 | 105.584 | 111.086 | 120.394 | North America |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 97.578 | 97 | 105.4 | 101.176 | 102.723 | 80.381 | North America |
USA | United States of America | 100.975 | 174 | 104.9 | 105.293 | 104.841 | 84.641 | North America |
AUS | Australia | 98.485 | 122 | 105.6 | 105.677 | 99.794 | 87.426 | Oceania |
NZL | New Zealand | 98.752 | 132 | 105.3 | 105.411 | 99.899 | 88.257 | Oceania |
FJI | Fiji | 98.538 | 123 | 107.1 | 103.684 | 99.128 | 74.797 | Oceania |
NCL | New Caledonia | 97.347 | 89 | 105.9 | 103.617 | 97.273 | 87.024 | Oceania |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | 105.877 | 215 | 107.6 | 107.797 | 104.884 | 105.662 | Oceania |
SLB | Solomon Islands | 104.620 | 211 | 107.0 | 106.595 | 103.907 | 96.740 | Oceania |
VUT | Vanuatu | 101.943 | 191 | 107.0 | 106.335 | 99.489 | 96.916 | Oceania |
GUM | Guam | 102.656 | 196 | 107.0 | 106.643 | 104.904 | 85.372 | Oceania |
KIR | Kiribati | 94.282 | 51 | 107.1 | 103.039 | 92.102 | 63.319 | Oceania |
MHL | Marshall Islands | 105.057 | 214 | 107.0 | 106.238 | 104.921 | 98.349 | Oceania |
FSM | Micronesia (Fed. States of) | 98.724 | 129 | 107.0 | 106.341 | 98.046 | 71.049 | Oceania |
NRU | Nauru | 103.726 | 206 | 107.2 | 105.979 | 104.970 | 60.235 | Oceania |
MNP | Northern Mariana Islands | 111.864 | 225 | 115.1 | 112.290 | 112.814 | 104.548 | Oceania |
PLW | Palau | 116.724 | 228 | 107.7 | 109.711 | 124.403 | 87.046 | Oceania |
ASM | American Samoa | 101.895 | 190 | 106.0 | 101.443 | 103.986 | 87.771 | Oceania |
COK | Cook Islands | 95.947 | 70 | 106.0 | 108.747 | 93.251 | 87.369 | Oceania |
PYF | French Polynesia | 102.335 | 195 | 105.9 | 106.891 | 102.258 | 95.533 | Oceania |
NIU | Niue | 93.047 | 40 | 107.1 | 98.807 | 96.011 | 75.964 | Oceania |
WSM | Samoa | 101.449 | 181 | 107.6 | 106.335 | 100.044 | 85.095 | Oceania |
TKL | Tokelau | 95.820 | 69 | 103.0 | 96.837 | 97.665 | 79.204 | Oceania |
TON | Tonga | 89.539 | 17 | 108.1 | 107.048 | 82.155 | 72.869 | Oceania |
TUV | Tuvalu | 104.766 | 212 | 107.0 | 111.233 | 107.130 | 63.198 | Oceania |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna Islands | 90.724 | 23 | 104.8 | 105.399 | 85.985 | 93.326 | Oceania |
World | 101.115 | 105.4 | 105.953 | 103.032 | 80.045 |
Rank | Country/territory | Female (%) | Male per 100 Female |
1 | Curacao | 54.178 | 84.576 |
2 | Latvia | 54.073 | 84.934 |
3 | Hong Kong SAR, China | 54.015 | 85.135 |
4 | Lithuania | 53.928 | 85.432 |
5 | Ukraine | 53.767 | 85.987 |
6 | Russian Federation | 53.526 | 86.824 |
7 | Belarus | 53.466 | 87.034 |
8 | Estonia | 53.145 | 88.163 |
9 | El Salvador | 53.039 | 88.541 |
10 | Armenia | 52.965 | 88.805 |
11 | Portugal | 52.675 | 89.845 |
12 | Aruba | 52.518 | 90.412 |
13 | Hungary | 52.430 | 90.730 |
14 | Virgin Islands (U.S.) | 52.334 | 91.081 |
15 | Georgia | 52.255 | 91.370 |
16 | Barbados | 52.123 | 91.854 |
17 | Moldova | 52.019 | 92.238 |
18 | Macao SAR, China | 52.001 | 92.303 |
19 | Antigua and Barbuda | 51.999 | 92.310 |
20 | Sri Lanka | 51.938 | 92.535 |
21 | Puerto Rico | 51.931 | 92.563 |
22 | Croatia | 51.796 | 93.064 |
23 | Poland | 51.707 | 93.398 |
24 | Uruguay | 51.692 | 93.454 |
25 | Eswatini | 51.572 | 93.904 |
26 | Kazakhstan | 51.567 | 93.922 |
27 | Romania | 51.551 | 93.983 |
28 | Nepal | 51.457 | 94.338 |
29 | Lesotho | 51.448 | 94.369 |
30 | Bulgaria | 51.389 | 94.595 |
31 | Slovak Republic | 51.386 | 94.606 |
32 | Namibia | 51.351 | 94.739 |
33 | Zimbabwe | 51.294 | 94.954 |
34 | Italy | 51.265 | 95.065 |
35 | Thailand | 51.237 | 95.172 |
36 | Cambodia | 51.207 | 95.288 |
37 | Japan | 51.166 | 95.444 |
38 | Mozambique | 51.160 | 95.466 |
39 | Myanmar | 51.158 | 95.475 |
40 | Serbia | 51.136 | 95.557 |
41 | Argentina | 51.056 | 95.862 |
42 | St. Lucia | 51.046 | 95.900 |
43 | Bahamas, The | 51.036 | 95.942 |
44 | Austria | 50.969 | 96.198 |
45 | Spain | 50.965 | 96.212 |
46 | Rwanda | 50.964 | 96.217 |
47 | Angola | 50.963 | 96.221 |
48 | South Africa | 50.922 | 96.379 |
49 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 50.907 | 96.438 |
50 | Senegal | 50.870 | 96.578 |
51 | Brazil | 50.855 | 96.638 |
52 | Czech Republic | 50.845 | 96.675 |
53 | France | 50.833 | 96.724 |
54 | New Zealand | 50.826 | 96.748 |
55 | Colombia | 50.800 | 96.849 |
56 | Guinea-Bissau | 50.797 | 96.861 |
57 | Burundi | 50.788 | 96.898 |
58 | Guatemala | 50.783 | 96.916 |
59 | Greece | 50.780 | 96.929 |
60 | Turkmenistan | 50.760 | 97.006 |
61 | Germany | 50.758 | 97.014 |
62 | Turkey | 50.750 | 97.045 |
63 | Trinidad and Tobago | 50.737 | 97.094 |
64 | Finland | 50.722 | 97.155 |
65 | Seychelles | 50.721 | 97.155 |
66 | Nicaragua | 50.698 | 97.245 |
67 | Kiribati | 50.692 | 97.270 |
68 | Belgium | 50.689 | 97.280 |
69 | Central African Republic | 50.677 | 97.330 |
70 | Montenegro | 50.663 | 97.382 |
71 | United Kingdom | 50.659 | 97.399 |
72 | Tunisia | 50.598 | 97.637 |
73 | Singapore | 50.590 | 97.667 |
74 | Botswana | 50.570 | 97.745 |
75 | Haiti | 50.552 | 97.817 |
76 | Tanzania | 50.546 | 97.839 |
77 | Mauritius | 50.537 | 97.876 |
78 | Mongolia | 50.532 | 97.892 |
79 | Vietnam | 50.515 | 97.961 |
80 | United States | 50.504 | 98.002 |
81 | Gambia, The | 50.502 | 98.012 |
82 | Sierra Leone | 50.477 | 98.109 |
83 | Morocco | 50.472 | 98.129 |
84 | Chile | 50.463 | 98.165 |
85 | Malawi | 50.461 | 98.172 |
86 | Switzerland | 50.454 | 98.199 |
87 | Kyrgyz Republic | 50.414 | 98.356 |
88 | Ireland | 50.404 | 98.395 |
89 | Channel Islands | 50.400 | 98.411 |
90 | Canada | 50.382 | 98.483 |
91 | Zambia | 50.379 | 98.494 |
92 | Slovenia | 50.344 | 98.632 |
93 | Israel | 50.330 | 98.688 |
94 | Kenya | 50.300 | 98.806 |
95 | Denmark | 50.262 | 98.956 |
96 | Venezuela, RB | 50.261 | 98.961 |
97 | Uganda | 50.258 | 98.973 |
98 | Netherlands | 50.245 | 99.026 |
99 | Jamaica | 50.242 | 99.036 |
100 | Belize | 50.212 | 99.156 |
101 | Mexico | 50.209 | 99.168 |
102 | Dominican Republic | 50.206 | 99.180 |
103 | Sao Tome and Principe | 50.202 | 99.196 |
104 | Azerbaijan | 50.188 | 99.250 |
105 | Somalia | 50.187 | 99.255 |
106 | Australia | 50.183 | 99.272 |
107 | Ghana | 50.170 | 99.321 |
108 | Cabo Verde | 50.170 | 99.323 |
109 | Togo | 50.151 | 99.397 |
110 | Uzbekistan | 50.151 | 99.398 |
111 | Honduras | 50.140 | 99.442 |
112 | Madagascar | 50.131 | 99.479 |
113 | Burkina Faso | 50.129 | 99.485 |
114 | Benin | 50.119 | 99.525 |
115 | Lao PDR | 50.119 | 99.526 |
116 | Congo, Dem. Rep. | 50.109 | 99.566 |
117 | Ethiopia | 50.069 | 99.723 |
118 | Peru | 50.055 | 99.781 |
119 | Sudan | 50.024 | 99.905 |
120 | Ecuador | 50.022 | 99.913 |
121 | Macedonia, FYR | 50.007 | 99.971 |
122 | Costa Rica | 49.986 | 100.055 |
123 | Cuba | 49.979 | 100.085 |
124 | Congo, Rep. | 49.977 | 100.091 |
125 | Korea, Rep. | 49.962 | 100.151 |
126 | Mali | 49.956 | 100.174 |
127 | Sweden | 49.956 | 100.177 |
128 | Cameroon | 49.953 | 100.189 |
129 | Chad | 49.944 | 100.225 |
130 | Cyprus | 49.940 | 100.240 |
131 | Bolivia | 49.938 | 100.250 |
132 | South Sudan | 49.895 | 100.419 |
133 | Panama | 49.891 | 100.435 |
134 | Guinea | 49.860 | 100.560 |
135 | Niger | 49.855 | 100.581 |
136 | Lebanon | 49.838 | 100.649 |
137 | Tonga | 49.834 | 100.665 |
138 | Iceland | 49.825 | 100.701 |
139 | Djibouti | 49.816 | 100.737 |
140 | Suriname | 49.816 | 100.739 |
141 | Grenada | 49.782 | 100.876 |
142 | Malta | 49.777 | 100.896 |
143 | Tajikistan | 49.776 | 100.898 |
144 | Luxembourg | 49.743 | 101.032 |
145 | Iran, Islamic Rep. | 49.711 | 101.164 |
146 | Philippines | 49.674 | 101.312 |
147 | Indonesia | 49.658 | 101.377 |
148 | New Caledonia | 49.622 | 101.523 |
149 | Mauritania | 49.600 | 101.612 |
150 | Libya | 49.590 | 101.652 |
151 | Bangladesh | 49.574 | 101.717 |
152 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 49.574 | 101.718 |
153 | Comoros | 49.560 | 101.774 |
154 | Liberia | 49.548 | 101.826 |
155 | Norway | 49.546 | 101.831 |
156 | Albania | 49.520 | 101.937 |
157 | Guyana | 49.518 | 101.946 |
158 | Algeria | 49.498 | 102.027 |
159 | Yemen, Rep. | 49.482 | 102.092 |
160 | Syrian Arab Republic | 49.474 | 102.127 |
161 | Egypt, Arab Rep. | 49.438 | 102.274 |
162 | Vanuatu | 49.400 | 102.428 |
163 | Iraq | 49.377 | 102.524 |
164 | Guam | 49.365 | 102.574 |
165 | Jordan | 49.361 | 102.590 |
166 | Cote d'Ivoire | 49.343 | 102.665 |
167 | Nigeria | 49.326 | 102.732 |
168 | West Bank and Gaza | 49.286 | 102.895 |
169 | Paraguay | 49.277 | 102.936 |
170 | Fiji | 49.236 | 103.103 |
171 | Timor-Leste | 49.218 | 103.177 |
172 | Solomon Islands | 49.162 | 103.409 |
173 | Papua New Guinea | 49.129 | 103.547 |
174 | French Polynesia | 49.080 | 103.747 |
175 | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | 48.745 | 105.147 |
176 | Gabon | 48.634 | 105.616 |
177 | Pakistan | 48.634 | 105.618 |
178 | Brunei Darussalam | 48.534 | 106.041 |
179 | China | 48.470 | 106.312 |
180 | Afghanistan | 48.467 | 106.328 |
181 | Samoa | 48.403 | 106.597 |
182 | Malaysia | 48.377 | 106.711 |
183 | India | 48.180 | 107.554 |
184 | Bhutan | 46.926 | 113.101 |
185 | Equatorial Guinea | 44.643 | 124.000 |
186 | Maldives | 43.139 | 131.807 |
187 | Saudi Arabia | 42.930 | 132.939 |
188 | Kuwait | 42.579 | 134.860 |
189 | Bahrain | 37.271 | 168.306 |
190 | Oman | 34.156 | 192.775 |
191 | United Arab Emirates | 27.596 | 262.366 |
192 | Qatar | 24.927 | 301.176 |
193 | American Samoa | - | - |
194 | Bermuda | - | - |
195 | Nauru | - | - |
196 | Palau | - | - |
197 | Kosovo | - | - |
198 | Liechtenstein | - | - |
199 | St. Kitts and Nevis | - | - |
200 | Cayman Islands | - | - |
201 | British Virgin Islands | - | - |
202 | St. Martin (French part) | - | - |
203 | Gibraltar | - | - |
204 | Turks and Caicos Islands | - | - |
205 | San Marino | - | - |
206 | Isle of Man | - | - |
207 | Andorra | - | - |
208 | Northern Mariana Islands | - | - |
209 | Eritrea | - | - |
210 | Tuvalu | - | - |
211 | Monaco | - | - |
212 | Faroe Islands | - | - |
213 | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | - | - |
214 | Marshall Islands | - | - |
215 | Greenland | - | - |
216 | Dominica | - | - |
World | 49.556 | 101.792 |