Source | GDP per capita (IMF), Demographics (UN) |
Date | 08 Nov 2024 |
In the list of the top ten poorest countries by GDP per capita (nominal, ppp) in 2024, seven countries are common in both nominal and ppp methods: Burundi (1,2), South Sudan (2,1), Malawi (4,4), Central African Republic (6,3), Madagascar (7,10), Mozambique (9,5), and Niger (10,9). Afghanistan (3), Yemen (5), and Sudan (8) are in the top 10 on a nominal basis, while DR Congo (6), Somalia (7), and Liberia (8) are in the top 10 on a PPP basis.
The GDP per capita of the poorest countries, Burundi and South Sudan, is 2.32% and 3.12% of global GDP per capita in nominal and PPP terms, respectively. The top nine countries have figures below 5% on an exchange rate basis, and 12 countries have figures below 10% on a PPP basis.
In the list of the top 30 countries having the lowest GDP per capita, most of the countries belong to the African continent, with 25 entrants in nominal and 22 entrants in PPP. In the nominal list, only Afghanistan and Yemen are non-African nations until number 23. Myanmar, Nepal, and Tajikistan are the other Asian economies in nominal. In the PPP list, the first 10 are located in Africa. Four Oceanian countries are on the PPP list. Haiti is the only North American country on the list.
Over 1.12 billion people are living in these 30 countries. Ethiopia and Nigeria are among the 10 most populous countries in the world.
These nations have low life expectancies, as none has made it into the top 150 of the life expectancy ranking. All the top 10 poorest countries rank below 175. Only four countries have people who live more than 70 years: Tajikistan, Nepal, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
Code | Rank | Country/Economy | GDP per capita (Nominal) ($) | Population | Life expectancy | Continent | |||
2024 | % world | 2024 | Rank | 2024 | Rank | ||||
NPL | 30 | Nepal | 1,381 | 9.98 | 29,651,054 | 51 | 70.64 | 169 | Asia |
ETH | 29 | Ethiopia | 1,350 | 9.76 | 132,059,767 | 10 | 67.60 | 190 | Africa |
TJK | 28 | Tajikistan | 1,276 | 9.21 | 10,590,927 | 91 | 71.93 | 155 | Asia |
ZMB | 27 | Zambia | 1,226 | 8.86 | 21,314,956 | 63 | 66.53 | 201 | Africa |
TZA | 26 | Tanzania | 1,224 | 8.85 | 68,560,157 | 22 | 67.21 | 196 | Africa |
UGA | 25 | Uganda | 1,187 | 8.57 | 50,015,092 | 31 | 68.49 | 186 | Africa |
MMR | 24 | Myanmar | 1,179 | 8.52 | 54,500,091 | 27 | 67.10 | 197 | Asia |
GNB | 23 | Guinea-Bissau | 1,106 | 7.99 | 2,201,352 | 148 | 64.25 | 213 | Africa |
LSO | 22 | Lesotho | 1,062 | 7.67 | 2,337,423 | 147 | 57.80 | 233 | Africa |
TGO | 21 | Togo | 1,051 | 7.59 | 9,515,236 | 97 | 62.93 | 221 | Africa |
TCD | 20 | Chad | 1,013 | 7.32 | 20,299,123 | 65 | 55.24 | 236 | Africa |
GMB | 19 | The Gambia | 989 | 7.14 | 2,759,988 | 144 | 66.06 | 207 | Africa |
RWA | 18 | Rwanda | 986 | 7.12 | 14,256,567 | 77 | 68.02 | 187 | Africa |
BFA | 17 | Burkina Faso | 908 | 6.56 | 23,548,781 | 59 | 61.29 | 228 | Africa |
MLI | 16 | Mali | 898 | 6.49 | 24,478,595 | 58 | 60.68 | 231 | Africa |
NGA | 15 | Nigeria | 877 | 6.34 | 232,679,478 | 6 | 54.64 | 237 | Africa |
SLE | 14 | Sierra Leone | 856 | 6.19 | 8,642,022 | 102 | 61.96 | 226 | Africa |
LBR | 13 | Liberia | 855 | 6.18 | 5,612,817 | 118 | 62.32 | 222 | Africa |
SOM | 12 | Somalia | 771 | 5.57 | 19,009,151 | 68 | 58.97 | 232 | Africa |
COD | 11 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 702 | 5.07 | 109,276,265 | 15 | 62.07 | 225 | Africa |
NER | 10 | Niger | 698 | 5.04 | 27,032,412 | 54 | 61.43 | 227 | Africa |
MOZ | 9 | Mozambique | 645 | 4.66 | 34,631,766 | 45 | 63.80 | 219 | Africa |
SDN | 8 | Sudan | 606 | 4.38 | 50,448,963 | 30 | 66.52 | 202 | Africa |
MDG | 7 | Madagascar | 563 | 4.06 | 31,964,956 | 49 | 63.84 | 216 | Africa |
CAF | 6 | Central African Republic | 529 | 3.83 | 5,330,690 | 122 | 57.67 | 235 | Africa |
YEM | 5 | Yemen | 465 | 3.36 | 40,583,164 | 37 | 69.44 | 176 | Asia |
MWI | 4 | Malawi | 464 | 3.35 | 21,655,286 | 62 | 67.56 | 191 | Africa |
AFG | 3 | Afghanistan | 380 | 2.75 | 42,647,492 | 36 | 66.29 | 204 | Asia |
SSD | 2 | South Sudan | 341 | 2.46 | 11,943,408 | 81 | 57.74 | 234 | Africa |
BDI | 1 | Burundi | 321 | 2.32 | 14,047,786 | 78 | 63.82 | 218 | Africa |
World | 13,842 | 8,161,972,572 | 73.32 |
Code | Rank | Country/Economy | GDP per capita (ppp) (Int. $) | Population | Life expectancy | Continent | |||
2024 | % world | 2024 | Rank | 2024 | Rank | ||||
COM | 30 | Comoros | 3,861 | 15.8 | 866,628 | 164 | 67.02 | 199 | Africa |
RWA | 29 | Rwanda | 3,747 | 15.3 | 14,256,567 | 77 | 68.02 | 187 | Africa |
UGA | 28 | Uganda | 3,642 | 14.9 | 50,015,092 | 31 | 68.49 | 186 | Africa |
KIR | 27 | Kiribati | 3,612 | 14.8 | 134,518 | 193 | 66.60 | 200 | Oceania |
PNG | 26 | Papua New Guinea | 3,542 | 14.5 | 10,576,502 | 92 | 66.26 | 205 | Oceania |
SLE | 25 | Sierra Leone | 3,505 | 14.3 | 8,642,022 | 102 | 61.96 | 226 | Africa |
GMB | 24 | The Gambia | 3,491 | 14.3 | 2,759,988 | 144 | 66.06 | 207 | Africa |
TGO | 23 | Togo | 3,290 | 13.4 | 9,515,236 | 97 | 62.93 | 221 | Africa |
LSO | 22 | Lesotho | 3,260 | 13.3 | 2,337,423 | 147 | 57.80 | 233 | Africa |
GNB | 21 | Guinea-Bissau | 3,110 | 12.7 | 2,201,352 | 148 | 64.25 | 213 | Africa |
HTI | 20 | Haiti | 3,039 | 12.4 | 11,772,557 | 82 | 65.12 | 210 | North America |
VUT | 19 | Vanuatu | 2,878 | 11.8 | 327,777 | 182 | 71.65 | 159 | Oceania |
BFA | 18 | Burkina Faso | 2,850 | 11.6 | 23,548,781 | 59 | 61.29 | 228 | Africa |
MLI | 17 | Mali | 2,843 | 11.6 | 24,478,595 | 58 | 60.68 | 231 | Africa |
TCD | 16 | Chad | 2,832 | 11.6 | 20,299,123 | 65 | 55.24 | 236 | Africa |
PSE | 15 | West Bank and Gaza | 2,698 | 11.0 | 5,495,443 | 121 | 69.21 | 180 | Asia |
SLB | 14 | Solomon Islands | 2,627 | 10.7 | 819,198 | 166 | 70.69 | 168 | Oceania |
SDN | 13 | Sudan | 2,513 | 10.3 | 50,448,963 | 30 | 66.52 | 202 | Africa |
AFG | 12 | Afghanistan | 2,075 | 8.48 | 42,647,492 | 36 | 66.29 | 204 | Asia |
YEM | 11 | Yemen | 1,996 | 8.16 | 40,583,164 | 37 | 69.44 | 176 | Asia |
MDG | 10 | Madagascar | 1,990 | 8.13 | 31,964,956 | 49 | 63.84 | 216 | Africa |
NER | 9 | Niger | 1,978 | 8.08 | 27,032,412 | 54 | 61.43 | 227 | Africa |
LBR | 8 | Liberia | 1,902 | 7.77 | 5,612,817 | 118 | 62.32 | 222 | Africa |
SOM | 7 | Somalia | 1,844 | 7.54 | 19,009,151 | 68 | 58.97 | 232 | Africa |
COD | 6 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 1,842 | 7.53 | 109,276,265 | 15 | 62.07 | 225 | Africa |
MOZ | 5 | Mozambique | 1,730 | 7.07 | 34,631,766 | 45 | 63.80 | 219 | Africa |
MWI | 4 | Malawi | 1,714 | 7.00 | 21,655,286 | 62 | 67.56 | 191 | Africa |
CAF | 3 | Central African Republic | 1,296 | 5.30 | 5,330,690 | 122 | 57.67 | 235 | Africa |
BDI | 2 | Burundi | 986 | 4.03 | 14,047,786 | 78 | 63.82 | 218 | Africa |
SSD | 1 | South Sudan | 763 | 3.12 | 11,943,408 | 81 | 57.74 | 234 | Africa |
World | 24,469 | 8,161,972,572 | 73.32 |